Ensure the security of your secrets by implementing access control to restrict which agents can access sensitive information. Follow these steps to manage access control for your secrets:

Step 1: Accessing secret details page

Navigate to the secret details page of the specific secret for which you want to manage access control. Here, you’ll find various details about the secret, including its name, description, and value.

Step 2: Managing agent access

Scroll to the bottom of the secret details page, where you’ll find the “agent access” section. Here, you can specify which agent(s) should have access to this secret by selecting them from the available options.

Step 3: Principle of least privilege

PolyAI prioritizes data security and adheres to the principle of least privilege to ensure maximum protection for our customers’ sensitive information. We recommend granting access only to the agents that require specific secrets for their functions. By following this principle, you minimize the risk of unauthorized access and enhance the overall security posture of your account.

Data security commitment

PolyAI is deeply committed to internet security and data security. We prioritize the safety and protection of our customers’ data at all times. Rest assured that we continuously strive to uphold the highest standards of security to ensure that our customers are in safe hands.

By implementing access control for your secrets and adhering to the principle of least privilege, you can enhance the security of your account and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.